Submitted by  : Prasanth JS
B.Ed English
Mar Theophilus Training College

ST.John’s Higher Secondary School, Nalalchira, Trivandrum
Time: 45 min                                                                                                                                                   Marks: 20
Class: Vlll A

1. Your school is celebrating school day on March 14. You are the convenor of the Arts club. Prepare a notice for the same.                                                                                       {2 Marks}
2. Prepare a profile of William Shakespeare using hints given below.                                    {3 Marks}
²  Name                   :  William Shakespeare
²  Date and year of birth      :  26 April 1564
²  Poet,Playwright and Actor
²  Famous work             :  The Merchant Of Venice

3. Answer the following questions each carries 4 marks                                                        {12Marks}  
Prepare a character sketch of Antonio in ‘The Merchant of venice’.
What was the hidden secret about the bond which helped Antonio from taking a pound of flesh from him?
Who was Uncle Terenty. How did he help Fyokla?

4. Fill in the blanks with correct Tenses.                                                                                 {3 Marks}
Yesterday Sally--------------home from school.
Sally--------------home from school on Tuesday.
Sally-------------home from school tomorrow.


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